poetry project
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You need to analyze two poems by the poet that you chose. What is analysis? This is where you tell me what your poem means. You should first complete a line by line analysis of the poem for yourself. This will help you determine what you think the poem means. Once you have an idea of what the poem means, you are to write a few paragraphs explainging what it means. When you are completing your analyis, locate the various elements of poetry. These elements will emphasize specific parts of the poem. These parts will usually help in determining the poem's meaning.


You must analyze two poems

You must include the poem

Your analysis should be written underneath the poem

You must use at least three quotes from the poem that supports your analysis

You must use at least one element of poetry in your analysis.

Help I'm confused!

Ok, some of you may be looking at a poem and say, "I don't get it!" Follow the steps of analysis

Step 1: Read the poem

Step 2: Define all words, be sure to know connotation and denotation

Step 3: Complete a line by line analysis

Step 4: Put all the information you got from your line by line analysis together to write what you think the poem means.


But I still don't get it!

Ask for help from your classmates on Diigo

Or, you can use the intertent to help you with your analysis. Remember, you are allowed to use other people's ideas; however, you cannot claim that they are your own. You need to quote and cite all information properly.